Freelance Work

Below is work that I was commissioned to do. This work is not associated with any company or related to my education.

Wicked Type Thing

Wicked Type Thing, a tribute band to Stone Temple Pilots, preforms their opening song for their show at the Dimond Music Hall.

Filmed and edited by Olivia Tennill

Simply Complex

Go behind the scenes of the Stone Temple Pilots cover band Wicked Type Thing

Filmed and edited by Olivia Tennill

SLU Work

Below is work completed as a part of my continuing media education.

Hog Roast Process Film

From picking up the raw meat to serving BBQ to hundreds of people, this video follows the long process of the roast of a whole hog.

Filmed and edited by Olivia Tennill

Portrait of a Farm

Enjoy the sights, sounds, people, and animals of a small farm in St. Clair, Missouri.

Filmed and edited by Olivia Tennill

GNN Work

Below is work completed as a part of the Greyhound News Network, the video news network at Clayton High School. This work captures the very beginnings of my videography journey.

Division 1 Pressures (2019)

This video dives into the pressure that talented young athletes feel to go to a Division 1 school for their sport and how going D2 or D3 shouldn’t be as stigmatized as it currently is.

Filmed and edited by Olivia Tennill

Failures of AP (2020)

This video, produced while the world was in lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, thoroughly investigates the shortcomings of College Board’s Advanced Placement classes.

Filmed and edited by Olivia Tennill

GET Intro (2021)

This is the intro for the monthly Greyhound News Network television special: “Greyhound Exclusive Television.”

Filmed and edited by Olivia Tennill

Animation by Ty Butler

Girls in Sports (2020)

National Girls and Women in Sports Day is celebrated around the country on the first Wednesday in February. This video dives into the historical importance of the day and how it’s celebrated at Clayton High School.

Animation, filming, and editing done by Olivia Tennill